Sawyer Kemp Anderson

Monday, April 30, 2007

26 weeks

Here's the latest picture - boy have I popped out! This is one of my "pretty" shirts, so it disguises it a little . . .

And here is my belly in an undershirt. Can you see the difference?!?! I still have three months to go; I have a feeling Landon and I are in for another BIG boy!

Sawyer is already very active, although he kicks a lot different than his brother Trenton. Now I know what all those pregnant women mean when they say the baby uses your bladder like a punching bag! Trenton was nice and didn't do that too often-not so with Sawyer! His growing number of movements keep reminding me how soon he'll be here, though. I am getting more and more excited and less nervous about his birth. Trenton grows up more each day and I am feeling the need for a baby to cuddle again :-)

posted by Danielle at 4:37 PM 1 comments